Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I ran away from home!!

So.....yesterday arrived, and after a VERY long weekend of not feeling well (girl stuff).......I decided that I HAD HAD IT!!! At my house, when Mom is in bed - the house turns into a PARTY - or as I lovingly call it - LAZY TOWN!!! Not much of anything got done - despite my plans to get A LOT done. After getting Cassie off to school - I got busy. Did dishes, SEVERAL loads of laundry....and after much internal debate - decided to tackle the toy room. At our house, we have a Jack and Jill situation - one room is Cassie's bedroom, the other room we use as a toy room - and let me tell you - yesterday morning you couldn't have found 1 square inch of carpet for all the toys. It was a DISASTER.....Cassie has WAY too much stuff!! And the kids I tend think it's FABULOUS....all the toys, none of the clean up!! I grabbed a bunch of garbage bags and dug in!! It took me about 2 hours, but by the end - there was NOTHING left in the room - NOTHING!! I cleaned out the closet, and put the totes in there - so the floor is EMPTY!! I have decided to get just one tote out at a time....easier for us to manage - after all - how many kids TRULY need 7 HUGE totes full of toys? That was the morning......I got busy and did the laundry - cleaned out my bathroom drawers, hair stuff and medicine totes....MAN I had a lot of stuff that NEVER gets used......I got ready for the day and went and picked Cassie up from school.....she had a BIG report on John McCain - 5 paragraphs talking about where he stands on various issues - (let me remind you she is 8)....but she left her rough draft at school....so she started to fight with me.....she was mad at herself, but took it out on me. After a few minuets of arguing with her - I called her Dad - and let him handle her. I forgot to mention - I was tending Lizzie through all of this. ANYWAY - I got dinner ready for them and waited. Joel got home around 6pm and as he walked in the door - I walked out. (let me clarify - without sharing our dirty laundry - I was done with BOTH of them...there were other things that they did - or should I say that they did NOT do...but that is ultimately the reason I ran away). I just left....took my book - my ipod - got in the car, and left. I just drove for a while, and then went and got gas at Costco......sat in the parking lot, read my book and listened to various talk radio people OF COURSE talking about the elections today. I made a few stops, and decided I could go home again. Cassie was still at the counter working on her report - it was almost 9...but rather than say anything, I just went upstairs and got ready for bed. I was SO tired......she came up, I kissed her goodnight, and settled in with my book. I love being a Wife and Mom....there is nothing in my life I love more, but there are times I feel like my efforts just aren't all that appreciated- I know it's not true....but some days it just feels like that. Running away from home gave me just the time I needed to take a breath, think about how naughty I was being.....and take just two seconds out for myself. As I type this, I realize how bratty I sound, but I don't regret running away......it felt good and I think that we all should take the time to run away more often!! This morning I feel MUCH better....and I have more to do today than I had yesterday....but at least today I feel up to the challenge!!!


Dan, Pam and Family said...

Hey Sis,
It's good to hear I'm not the only one that has had those moments.

Last week I totally cleaned out Sadie's room, closets drawers, repainted the dressers, the works. Then Friday I did Toby's room. TON of work, but man it feels so-oo good. And the kids are much happier too. It seems to be that kids play much better in a clean space and when there are only a few things there at a time.
Glad today is shaping up to be better.

Debbie Hadley said...

I think we all have days like that. I'm glad you took a time out for yourself. So how did Cassie react to the toy room????

Leslie said...

Other than the running away part, your day sounded like so much fun. There's nothing like deep cleaning a room! We had a meltdown just this afternoon about a forgotten (left at school) math assignment. Join the club!