Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ostrich Festival

Cassie and Joel had SO much fun at the Ostrich Festival. Cute Cassie - with all of her elderly friends in our ward went around asking people if they were able to go to the Festival, and telling them how much fun she had. I don't know what it is about her - but she is really drawn to the older members of our ward. She always has been. In our first Mesa ward, for whatever reason, all of the Widows and Widowers.....and there were several.....would sit on the long back row in the chapel. She would go one by one shaking their hands and talking to them....and she would sit and visit with them until church started. She LOVES them - and they love her. Anyway.....these are just some of the pictures from the festival.


Cindy Smith said...

How fun, cute photos!

Lynn Family said...

What fun adventures you have! It's so fun being able to read up about you guys...sorry that I'm one of those slackers in updating our blog, hopefully tomorrow will be a good day for that! We love you guys and admire you all immensely!

Dan, Pam and Family said...

This song totally takes me back to the 1st grade circus, awesome!
Love for elderly people seems to be something Cassie was born with, what an awesome talent, I know how much it means people. What a sweet heart that girl has.
Darling pictures.