Thursday, February 19, 2009

Introducing "THE MOM BOX"

I have been trying to figure out how much to require of Cassie. You know...there is such a FINE LINE in doing too much for our kids - and having our kids do to much. She already does the dishes....clears, empties the dishwasher, or loads the dishwasher - some nights she does all 3. Lately, I have noticed that I spend a good chunk of my morning cleaning up after her. It is AMAZING to me how much stuff ONE child can leave around the house. So - I came up with the "Mom Box". What is the "Mom Box" you ask? The Mom box is MY way of teaching Cassie the importance of CLEANING UP AFTER HERSELF! How it works....I have a small box - EVERYTHING Cassie leaves around the house goes into the "Mom Box". If she wants her stuff back - she has to pay me .10 for each item. If the box gets all the way full - she can either pay me $5 to get her stuff back - OR - it becomes MINE and I get to do whatever I want to with it....which means DI here I COME!! When the "Mom Box" was introduced....well it went over about as well as a pregnant pole-vaulter - but now that we have been doing it for a while.....let me just tell you - she does a quick pick up before she goes to bed - AND in case she missed anything she does one before she leaves for school (Mom Box time begins when I get back from taking her to school). I don't have to say ANYTHING to her....I just go over and tap the box - MESSAGE RECEIVED! It's so funny how small things can motivate kids! I am sure this would not work for everyone - especially if your kids don't care about money....but chances are VERY good that there is SOMETHING they care a lot about that would motivate them to not loose to the "Mom Box". VICTORY for the MAMAS!!!


Cindy Smith said...

How funny, we have the same thing, only it's called "toy jail", and I am the toy police... unfortunately when I take away the toys, they just find other things to leave around the house... mostly trash (food wrappers, scribbled-on papers, etc.) so they could care less if I take those away. And then there's the socks...(sigh)... If you get any great ideas for that, let me know, I need all the help I can get!!! :)

Jana said...

Jessica! That is the BEST idea! Thank you! I just spent 2 hours cleaning up the kids playroom and guess what....D.I. here I come! I refuse to be the maid again and they haven't even missed them...yet anyway. ;) The "mom" box will be a good reminder that I mean business.

Jana said...

Jessica! That is the BEST idea! Thank you! I just spent 2 hours cleaning up the kids playroom and guess what....D.I. here I come! I refuse to be the maid again and they haven't even missed them...yet anyway. ;) The "mom" box will be a good reminder that I mean business.

The Lynns said...

Jess that is such a good idea! I'll have to steal it when my kids get old enough to realize what $$ is. You're such a great (and talented) mom. Cassie is getting so big and is as gorgeous as ever. Love all the posts! Take care.

Dan, Pam and Family said...

That's a great idea.
I think I will have to tweak it and come up with something similar for my kids, especially for Sadie. Toby does pretty good, but I would pretty much have the contents of Sadies room in my "Mom Box" daily. Seriously the girl leaves a trail behind her.
Thanks for the idea!

Debbie Hadley said...

What a great way to teach responsibility. You are a great Mom.