Thursday, October 30, 2008

Our Civic Duty

On Monday night, Joel, Cassie and I participated in helping with the Prop. 102 - protecting marriage plan. We spent the evening hanging 50 door hangers to people in our neighborhoods. We were supposed to just walk up and hange them on the door....but Cassie got scared at every door and would walk up, get about 10ft from the door, and would drop the hangers and run!! I was just waiting/watching her on the sidewalk - because Shiloh was with us and he is a CRAZY Cassie had to do the hanging.....she was almost crying, and I of course was laughing. Why is it SO funny to me to see people get scared? Not sure but there is about nothing that makes me laugh harder. It felt really good to participate and help support this proposition. It was a great opportunity for us to talk to Cassie about our country, and how important it is to be involved in what is going on. In the end, Joel ended up hanging the majority of the flyers, and Cassie and I enjoyed laughing, dancing, and talking as we walked Shiloh down the street. It was a GREAT way to spend FHE.


Debbie Hadley said...

Good for you!!!! What a great FHE activity!

Anonymous said...

Way to go! So you are officially a political activist now! :)
Love the new blog! Everyone always thinks they are so complicated to do, but once you set it up it is really pretty simple. I'm glad Debbie could help get you started. Now if we could just get Sarah on here, the family would be complete... :)


Cindy Smith said...

OK, I just posted a comment but it looks like it didn't go through, so here we go again...

That's awesome, you guys are officially political activists now! :)
Love the new blog, it really isn't as hard to do as it looks once you get going. I'm glad Debbie was able to help you get started. Now we just need to get Sarah on here and the family will be complete...