Tuesday, June 16, 2009

God Bless America!

There are so many reasons why I love this country. How in the world do you put into words the love you feel for your country? Well.......I am at a loss. I know that every time I hear the Star Spangled Banner I cry - because I am overwhelmed at how blessed I am to be a citizen of this Country. I think of all of those who have given their lives to gain and to protect the freedom that I enjoy. I think of those people who do not have the freedom that I do. They can't worship the way they choose, work the jobs they choose, have the families they choose....they can't even CHOOSE! I love this time of year. It makes me stop and think about how truly blessed I am to live in America. I hope that as we are all having our BBQ's, enjoying fireworks and parades and family fun, that we stop....just for a moment and think about how blessed we are to live here and recognized the sacrifices that were made so we CAN enjoy ourselves. We may not like everything that is going on right now - we may not like the direction the government is going, we may not agree with ANYTHING that is going on politically.....but still, we are free, for today, and I for one will be forever grateful for the freedom that I enjoy. GOD BLESS AMERICA, MY HOME SWEET HOME!!!


Unknown said...

Well spoken. I just hope our kids will be able to enjoy the freedoms we have had in our lives, things are changing so fast these days. God Bless America!

Holli said...

Amen sista!!

acmeadows said...

I love this country too!