Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What is WRONG with people?

OK - so yesterday I went to Walmart....I was SLOWLY driving through the parking lot - looking for a space. As I drove up one of the rows, a small sports car, that was parked between a suburban and a truck started backing out. I was almost right behind him, and I thought for sure he saw me....he stopped for a second, and then started backing out again....He came inches from hitting me, so I honked my horn - To which he honked his horn....and of COURSE flipped me off. I was thinking to myself - "SERIOUSLY? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I just SAVED YOU FROM HITTING MY CAR YOU JERK!". Well - that wasn't enough for him....he had to pull around to the next row - right in front of me - and continued with his lovely bird throwing routine. He flipped me off with one hand - then the other hand - then BOTH hands.....I just sat there with my hands up as if to say....WHAT THE HECK IS YOUR PROBLEM!!! He just sat there.....and FINALLY realized that he didn't scare me.....him and his fancy flying birds......so he drove off.....but of COURSE not before he came within INCHES of hitting another woman - who was returning her cart. Well....that made HER mad and SHE started to have a bird throwing fight with this same guy - he was HONKING, he was FLIPPING...and I can ONLY guess the loveliness that was coming out of his mouth!! By this time I was SO mad at this guy my stomach and heart were BOTH pounding!!! So I sat there....trying to calm down before facing the herds in the store....and noticed a young lady trying to load her car. She had purchased a huge tote - had loaded ALL of her groceries into the tote - and was trying to load the whole thing into the back of a VERY tall truck......I was thinking - SERIOUSLY....you think you are going to lift that thing by yourself? So I got out - walked over and asked her if I could help her. At first she looked at me like "who the heck are you"......and realized I really did just want to help - so I grabbed one end of the tote, helped her lift it into her truck, then took her empty cart for her. She thanked me again and again....and I just said, "No worries". Helping her was the ONLY thing I could think of doing to feel better and CALM DOWN!! But it made me think.....what is WRONG with people? Why was he SO mad at me for honking at him - to tell him to stop....so HE didn't hit me? How was that so offensive? Yep - I realize that this world is pretty stressful right now......everyone has A LOT of stuff going on - but does that give us the right to treat each other with such LITTLE respect? To be unkind - impatient - and just RIDICULOUS!! NOPE!! I hope that SOMETHING makes that guy realize how ridiculous he acted yesterday - but I doubt it......Maybe the next person will let him hit them - go after his insurance - and REALLY give him a bad day.......


Cindy Smith said...

Good for you for turning around and instead of spreading the anger, doing something good. You would like MN, the weather is cold but the people are warm. Not much road rage here...

Debbie Hadley said...

I knew this would be a good story as soon as I saw the word "Wal-Mart" in the first sentance. Wal-Mart shoppers never bring their manners to the store. Good for you for turning the other cheek. (The song matches perfectly)

Leslie said...

Great story and even better song! Oh, the adventures you have. Thanks for sharing them with all of us and making us a little bettter.
Love ya!

Dan, Pam and Family said...

You have got to be kidding me, why do people think that is acceptable behavior?!
Good for you for handling it well. Not many things set me off, but that one would really get under my skin.