Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm To Sexy......

So the other day I was at JCPenney - and found some GONGA deals!! This outfit Cass has on was $2.97! Can you BELIEVE IT!! Anyway.....I had Cassie go upstairs and try it on. She was taking FOREVER and I kept calling for her to come down. She had worn braids in her hair that day........when she came down - well she was feeling ALL kids of SASSY!!! She had taken her hair out and brushed it was big and fluffy, and she had put on her strappy Sunday shoes. She was feeling so cute she got the camera and posed.....and wanted me to take a million pictures!! I can't describe the look on her face....she KNEW she looked could tell that she FELT that she looked was HILARIOUS......sitting there crossing her legs, posing.....I was just thinking.....well honey - as long as you feel good...that is all that matters!! What a little poser!!!


Cindy Smith said...

How funny, just wait till she'a teenager -- good thing she doesn't have anyone to fight with for the bathroom! :)

Leslie said...

Work it Cassie!

Sarah said...

if three bucks can make that little girl feel that sassy than I'd say it was well worth it. And she is so cute!! I LOVE your chair!!!!! it's so stinking cute. I can't believe you know how to reapholster(sp) a chair. what the heck! so darling. I want to come to az and find an old nasty chair that you can show me how to make dang cute. love the fabric choice. love it. love you.

Debbie Hadley said...

Love it! That outfit is darling! You got an awesome deal. Is she pretending to cut her hair in one of those pictures? We love you Sass!

Dan, Pam and Family said...

Makes me laugh my head off. LOVE the poses, good luck with that girl when she is getting ready for her first date!
Way cute outfit!
Score all the way around!